Require Intelligent Speed Assistance in all New California Vehicles Promotional Toolkit
Thank you for your interest in helping urge Governor Newsom to be a leader in roadway safety and sign SB961 into law.
BACKGROUND: On August 31, 2024, the California legislature passed SB 961, a first-in-the-nation law to require vehicles to alert drivers when going 10+ MPH over the limit. This is HUGE! Much like Wisconsin becoming the first state in the 1960s to require seat belts in vehicles, which led to more states following suit and then becoming a federal requirement credited with saving over 500,000 lives, this bill has the potential to change federal requirements and save hundreds of thousands of lives.
ACTION NEEDED: The Governor needs to hear from supporters across the nation because this bill has national impacts. Gov. Newsom has until Sept. 30 to act, but he may decide anytime before then, so time is of the essence. You can read more in a recent press release, blog post, OpEd, and bill fact sheet.
Most importantly, share this link (posted on Change.org): https://bit.ly/SignSB961
Also, include the following in social media posts: “…urge @CAGovernor @GavinNewsom to #SignSB961…”
See sample social media, graphics, a script for calls, and other helpful info. below.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any comments or questions triny@itcouldbeme.org
X/Twitter Thread
(Post as a Twitterthread or use individually)
Post 1:
It Could Be Me urges @CAGovernor @GavinNewsom to #SignSB961 to save lives and be a national road safety leader. We just signed this petition and urge others to do so too. https://bit.ly/SignSB961
Post 2:
Speed kills. Over 10,000 people are killed by speeding drivers in the US every year. This first-in-the-nation policy shows we *can* discourage dangerous vehicle speeds at the source. Urge @CAGovernor @GavinNewsom to #SignSB961 https://bit.ly/SignSB961
Post 3:
SB961 is a popular and proven life saving measure that will curb dangerous, illegal speeding. More than 60% of drivers support adding an audible and visual warning when they exceed the posted speed limit. Researchers predict this technology will cut roadway deaths by 26-50%. Urge @CAGovernor @GavinNewsom to #SignSB961 https://bit.ly/SignSB961
Use language above but also feel free to share any personal connection you have to this issue or why your organization supports roadway safety.
Action Alert/Phone Calls
To get his attention, we are trying to flood his office with calls and emails from people across the country. Please sign this national petition, call his office, and encourage others to do so as well.
Call: (916) 445-2841
Hi, my name is ______________. I am from It Could Be Me, and live in ___________. [Add more about your organization and why this is important to it if applicable.]
I urge the Governor to sign SB961 into law right away, this is a proven, common sense measure that will save lives across California, and position the state to lead the nation in curbing dangerous speeds. Can we count on your support?
Thank you. [Name]
Please tag us @itcouldbeme2024 #itcouldbeme